On a very high resolution display, the icons themselves may be a fair bit smaller than the button itself because there simply isn't a larger version of the icon available. There are multiple versions of these images included with ZBrush, and ZBrush will always use the largest version that fits within the current button size. An example of this are the various button to the immediate right of the canvas such as "Frame." The text within those buttons is part of the button icons rather than coming from the ZBrush UI engine. It will not affect iconic text - that text that is part of a button icon. It will also affect dynamic text, such as palette and sub-palette names, slider names, etc. Please be aware that this will affect the size of all buttons. You may need to repeat steps 7 and 8 a few times to find the exact setting that you're happy with on your particular display.Store your UI by pressing Ctrl_Shift+I, then restart ZBrush. The change will not take effect immediately.If so, go to Preferences > Interface > UI and adjust the Buttons Size slider to a higher value. But depending on how high resolution your display is everything may be too small for your liking. At this point, your text will be clear again. Click OK again to finalize the change and close the Properties window.Click OK to accept the change and close that window.Leave it on the default option of "Application." At the bottom of that window, check the box in the "High DPI scaling override" section near the bottom.

Near the bottom of that window, click the button to "Change high DPI settings.".In the Properties window that opens, click the Compatibility tab.Either way, choose "Properties" from the context menu. With ZBrush closed, right-click on the ZBrush desktop shortcut or go to your ZBrush installation directory and right-click on the ZBrush application itself.To correct this in Windows 10, do the following: The cause of this is that Windows doesn't know what kind of application ZBrush is and thinks that it needs to scale the contents such as it does for your web browser or word processor rather than leave it alone like it knows to do with Photoshop or a game. If you are using ZBrush on Windows with a high resolution display such as a 4K monitor you may find that everything is enlarged to ridiculous amount and text is blurry.